Posts tagged trauma bonds
Are you REALLY doing no-contact?
no-contact, no contact, abusive relationships, healing, relationship help, trauma bonds, break-up, break-up to make-up, get back together, get your ex back, break-up help, break-up coachMarta Ziembinskano-contact, break up, toxic ex, toxic relationships, getting over him, break ups suck, heartbreak, love addiction, trauma bonds, break-up help, break-up coach
Compatibility or Chemistry?
love, relationship trauma, find love, looking for love, single and searching, dating, dating in your 30s, dating helpMarta Ziembinskacompatibility, are we compatible, chemistry, hot chemistry, trauma bonds, daddy issues, mommy issues, long-term relationships, find and keep love, relationship coach
What does it really take to find and keep a good relationship?
Marta Ziembinskarelationship coaching, happy relationship, life partners, meet the one, trauma bonds, vulnerability, chemistry, compatibility, red flags, find the one, heal relationships, fix my relationship