You're not broken or damaged

Before you judge yourself as damaged, consider how many inspiring people you know who don't have a heartwrenching story to tell? I'll wait.

I'll take a person with a truckload of "baggage" who's healing over someone who hasn't done any inner work any day. Any given day.

This is true even if person number two has had a supposedly perfect life because I have yet to meet someone who doesn't have anything to heal within them. Maybe I just find a lack of awareness offputting.

I believe the only people we can classify as "damaged" (and I still prefer "unaware of their wounding") are those who refuse to do or look at things differently.

I feel more sorry for those who let their resistance keep them repeating the same patterns than for anyone I meet who is willing to change, regardless of what "baggage" they carry.

No matter how damaged you think you are, if you're searching within, reflecting, and taking ownership and responsibility for your life's path, you're already ahead of the game.

It may not be easy to see right now, but all of the things weighing you down right now will one day become the source of your depth and strength. And every lesson learned along the way will add value to your life and relationships.

Love and connection will only ever go as deep as the depth of the people who make them.

You were never broken. Your heart just cracked open to let more love and light in.