What Is Self-Love Really About?

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Are you tired of all the conflicting formulas that you need to be following to be happy, to love yourself, and to live a good life?

Yeah, so was I. In fact, for the longest time, I did not even grasp the concept and was getting annoyed continuously by all the contradictory yet firm advice I was getting.

On the one hand, someone would tell me that discipline and hard work was the way to go, and I had to be strict with myself and apply it every day, regardless of how I was feeling. On the other hand, I heard that I needed two relax more and allow things to just flow to me.

One source was telling me that I am what I eat, and I must eat clean at all times; any other food is cheating. I don’t enjoy getting so emotionally involved with my meals to feel like I’m cheating on them. So, on the other side, I found sources telling me to eat all that I wanted at all times and that a diet of pizza and ice cream is entirely appropriate.

Then there was the advice to stay informed because if I don’t know what’s happening in the world, then I’m ignorant. And the advice to not watch the news because they contaminate my mindset and energy field (whatever that is).

There’s a whole minefield of conflict out there for a mind that is already lost.

I found the truth to be on both sides and neither of them. The truth is in me. The truth is in you. When you start loving and accepting yourself as you are now, regardless of anything, you will be able to tune into what you need. At any given moment.

Some days it will be movement. Some days it will be rest. One day it will be a salad, another it will be cheesy chips. Sometimes it will be some self-soothing. Others it will be a self butt-kick.

And each day, the actions you take may be different, but they will be all be loving.

And that is self-love in a nutshell.