Overthinking your relationship?

Don't believe everything you think!

The brain's gotta do what the brain's gotta do, but we don't have to accept everything it tells us.

Because our brains can't process all of the information we continuously receive, they are pre-programmed with various filters, including a preference for the negative (to ensure the survival of our species), confirmation bias (to reaffirm whatever we're already familiar with), and many others.

We always fill in the blanks using our filters and distortions as we add meaning and stories to our experiences.

When we feel more at home in our heads than in our bodies, we don't even notice when those thoughts are misinforming us.

Challenge your thoughts:

By simply noticing: "I'm thinking", you can create enough distance between yourself and your thoughts, so you don't get lost in them.

From this more regulated place ask:

  • Is this thought true?

  • What is the supporting and opposing evidence?

  • What could be the other possible alternatives?

  • What would you tell a friend having this thought?

The stories and meanings our thoughts may create in relationships have no bounds. They are to blame when we self-sabotage, stay too long, don't pursue our true desires, or give up too easily.

Though we cannot stop thinking altogether, we can develop better thinking habits such as thought challenging and reduce overthinking.

If you need assistance, get in touch.