Is He Emotionally Unavailable?


So you think he's "emotionally unavailable"?

I hear this statement often in my practice. Sometimes it's from women who are not aware of their own emotional unavailability, so I want you today to check in with your partner if you have one and with yourself too.

While emotional unavailability doesn't make someone incapable of love, it does come with significant challenges. And while anyone can become emotionally unavailable for a while, if both parties are chronically unavailable, the relationship will be most likely crash and burn faster than expected.

Emotional availability is the foundation of intimacy. Intimacy is the building block of connection. Without a connection, there cannot be a healthy relationship.

To be emotionally available means to feel comfortable with being your authentic self. It's feeling safe to show someone the deep parts of your soul, the beautiful ones and the less so too.

For a human to be emotionally available with another, they need to become firstly emotionally available with themselves. This quest requires the will and courage to face both the bright and the dark side of our inner world. It's a journey worth taking, as only with emotional availability are we able to experience the true depths of love and connection.

Be patient with yourself if you are working on becoming emotionally available.

If you are interested in someone who seems emotionally unavailable, pressuring them to become more intimately open will be counterproductive. Get in touch to find out how you could increase emotional intimacy and availability 🧡