Benefits of an Avoidant Attachment Style

Dear avoidants, you are very loved.

Many of the avoidant attachment strategies are also superpowers, like the anxious attachment ones mentioned in my previous post.

  • undemanding in relationships

  • good at setting and respecting boundaries

  • productive and resourceful

  • committed to professional success and passions

  • highly independent and less likely to need support from others

  • confident in own abilities and choices

  • able to self-soothe

  • quick to respond to problems and find solutions

  • logical and great at practical advice

  • values space and inspires partner to appreciate and thrive in theirs

  • determined, results driven and action oriented

  • often sociable and popular

  • an autonomous free spirit

  • less likely to dwell on past issues

  • self-sufficient and good at meeting own needs

An avoidant partner's appreciation for space, the passion with which they pursue their careers and interests, and their innate abilities to establish and respect boundaries can inspire their partners to grow in those areas.

Because of their capacity to focus on projects, confidence in their skills, and determination, avoidants often find it natural to succeed professionally.

Often the avoidant and anxious partners choose each other becuase their unique strengths complement and inspire one another.

Keep moving towards being secure but your avoidant superpowers are also treasures to behold.