The One About Defying the Odds


I threw a birthday party for my cat last weekend, what were you up to?

Daisy continues to be an inspiration and is a kitty with her own unique story.

Daisy is no longer a kitten but an adult since Sunday. She celebrated her 18th birthday when she was not supposed to live much past 11.

When Daisy was around 10 or 11 years old she was diagnosed with an aggressive form of feline cancer. Coincidently it happened during the darkest and most mentally challenging time of my life. Losing her was just not an option for me.

I found ways to support her in her battle, and a few surgeries later, after being told repeatedly that she has only months or weeks to live left, she is still here, with all her sass intact. "Whatever you're doing, keep doing it" and "she's a miracle", the vets tell me. I do believe in miracles.

As I found ways to help with Daisy's health, I simultaneously found ways out of my dark night of the soul. And just as Daisy, I was told that what I wanted wasn't possible. That the love and relationship I dreamed of didn't exist, that settling and living your life with some degree of permanent dissatisfaction was the way to adult.

As I wasn't giving up on her, I couldn't give up on myself either. Both of us fighting the odds, and somebody else's beliefs of what was possible for us.

I was angry and fearful that our lives were not going according to my preconceived plans. I had to give up all my ideas of how things should be and learn to trust that they will work out in ways that will lead us to our dreams. It was painfully uncomfortable.

Just as I found ways to support her little body in healing, I found ways to heal my heart and soul. Many mentors, coaches and courses later I learned that the love and relationship I wanted was no fantasy but a basic human need and very real indeed. I learned that creating and keeping love alive is not just a spiritual practice but is backed by science and something everyone can do and have.

And here we are, 18 years together, three countries, and in love with the same man, defying the odds and living the life only we once believed we could live.

Daisy is here today to remind you to never give up on your dreams. The only thing you need to give up on is how those dreams will happen.

I never wanted Daisy to take supplements daily to keep cancer away, yet that's the path that gave us all these years together.

I didn't plan to be divorced, yet what I deemed to be my failure turned out to lead me to great success.

I didn't plan to have a mental breakdown, yet that's what cracked me open and led me to put the pieces together and true healing.

It wasn't my intention to find the best relationship for me in my thirties, yet that's when I met the love of my life.

I didn't intend to go through all that I did to learn all the lessons I had to learn to become the woman I am today.

Frankly, I didn't even want to have an Instagram account, and here I am.

Nothing went to plan, yet that's how it all happened. And the way my life is today, I wouldn't change a thing that led me here.

You are not foolish to dream.

It's not too late.

You are worthy of the love you want

It might not all happen the way you think it will, but it will be worth it.

Love and hope,

Marta and Daisy