Dating Green Flags that Look Red

  • Lack of an Initial Spark⁣

⁣ Contrary to the romanticized notion of an all-consuming instant connection, such intensity can be a sign of dating someone who fits our wounding. While relationships without extreme highs and lows may feel boring, this stability is the foundation for a lasting, secure relationship which is the goal of dating.⁣

  • Infrequent Contact⁣

⁣ A different communication style, not checking their phone when busy with responsibilities or interests - reflects a commitment to being present and engaged in various aspects of life.⁣

Note: This is not the same as playing games or “making you wait”.⁣

  • Clarifying Intentions Early⁣

⁣ Being proactive in determining compatibility allows both of you to assess if you’re a good match, and saves you from over-investing into someone who isn’t looking for the same thing.⁣

  • Not Making You a Priority⁣

Self-abandoning people who neglect their own interests and pursuits become resentful, passive-aggressive partners.⁣ Not making you the centrepiece of their life, and filling their own cup outside of the relationship is what will help them show up as the best partner for you.⁣

  • Slow Progress⁣

⁣Taking the time to truly get to know each other’s complexities is a sign of emotional maturity. Steady progress builds a solid foundation for a lasting relationship.⁣

  • Different Interests⁣

⁣ A healthy relationship involves two whole, unique people choosing to be together, so you don’t have to be joined at the hip. Some separateness adds depth and expansion to your connection.⁣

  • Not Being Always Available⁣

⁣Ditching everything for you isn’t as good as it seems. Having their own hobbies, pursuits, and a healthy balance of life in and outside of the relationship is a sign of a well-rounded adult.⁣

  • Setting up the Relationship Culture from the Start⁣

⁣Being upfront about goals, boundaries, dating style, and communication preferences reflects emotional health and self-awareness. An open dialogue early sets the stage for building a relationship that works for both of you.⁣

  • Asking for Space in or After Conflict⁣

⁣An awareness of our own patterns, limits, and needs is invaluable in a relationship. Prioritizing emotional regulation shows that they choose healthy communication instead of reactive responses.

Note: This is not the same as the silent treatment.⁣

  • Conflict⁣

⁣Disagreements are natural. What matters is what you fight about and how it is resolved. Respectful conflict that ends in a good repair shows a capacity for difficult conversations.