Chemistry over Compatibility?

Have you ever found yourself so entranced by the chemistry that the incompatibility took you later by surprise?

When you're conditioned to associate inconsistency, emotional unavailability and "the chase" with love, you'll ignore the signs of incompatibility for the sake of the "chemistry high".

Attachment wounding and unmet emotional childhood needs have you confusing infatuation and cravings for a person with connection when love shouldn't feel like an addictive drug.

Putting more importance on chemistry is a sure way to find yourself in a trauma bond, limerence or any other toxic relationship pattern that ends in heartbreak.

Pay more attention to compatibility instead, and you'll discover that chemistry can be created and recreated time and time again in a healthy relationship that lasts.

Relationships rarely fail because of a lack of chemistry, they fail because of long-term incompatibility. You get to decide what's more important: the initial thrill that wears off or the consistency and longevity that comes from being compatible.

While chemistry can be a sign of compatibility, it hardly guarantees it if you're choosing partners based on your wounding. Remember that we attract and look for relationships that feel like the ones we are used to, so you might have some work to do on your patterns.

Chasing chemistry will result at best in a fantasy-based relationship, not one that's rooted in security and love.

Increase your chances of finding and keeping healthy love by shifting your focus to compatibility over a chemical reaction in your body.