Afraid of uncertainty?


Why is uncertainty so scary? Why are we so afraid of breaking down?

When I look through my journal it’s clear that if I hadn’t fallen apart all these years ago I would not be where I am now. Had I not hit rock bottom back then, the best bits of my daily gratitude rampages wouldn’t even be here for me to relish in. It is clear now that what I thought was rock bottom was actually a spring board that shot me up to my best life yet. And while there is always more plans, goals and dreams I can now look ahead without fear or doubts.

I can hardly remember the person I was before, I don’t think I would even get on with her now. Having healed so much of my past I nearly erased all the bad memories. I know they’re there but they do not feel mine, I feel no connection to them. I honour them because without them the now wouldn’t exist and I as I am wouldn’t be. It is true that you can only connect the dots looking backwards, but do that enough times and you will start seeing an outline of those dots looking forwards.

Can you look back at some of your past struggles and see how they eventually uplifted you? Instead of just replaying the bad events, try seeing them as movies, include the great things that happened since, now you have a movie with a happy ending. Those events where just the catalysts or stepping stones to lift you up. The more you practice doing this, the more you will be able to do this in real time. The bad relationship break up might have led you to meet someone new, that painful loss taught you a lot about yourself, that trauma helped you discover your creativity, that illness made you find alternative therapies, that narcissist you thought you wasted time on helped you become a better partner, that job loss led you to a new career, the possibilities are endless. You can always rewrite your story.

Now when stuff hits the fan and I feel the discomfort of uncertainty I affirm “this too is working out in my favour” and because I’ve seen enough of my movies I know this to be true. Feel free to borrow this affirmation if you connect with it.

Don’t be afraid of falling, you’d have never learned to walk, run and dance without it. 


Marta Ziembinska